FlexSEA Design Files
Disclaimer: ***ToDo*** Names and versions: FlexSEA-Execute: PWR_STG_0_1 (2013), PWR_STG_0_2 (2014), FlexSEA-Execute 0.1 (2014), FlexSEA-Execute 0.2 (2016) FlexSEA-Manage: MiddleMan 0.1 (2014), Manage 0.1
Programming Adapters
FlexSEA-Manage and FlexSEA-Execute require special programming adapters (shortened as Prog Adapt) because the cables and connectors used on the MiniProg
FlexSEA-Manage 0.1 Specifications
Elect. Supply voltage (V) 5V in (from Plan or USB), on-board 3V3 regulator Current (mA) 105mA (standalone, latest code running)
FlexSEA-Execute 0.x Specifications
FlexSEA-Execute v0.1: Elect. Supply voltage (V) 15-24V Motor current (A) 8A Continuous, 25A pulsed (100ms every s) Intermediate supply 10V
FlexSEA-Execute: Quick Summary
FlexSEA-Execute is an advanced motion controller for brushed and brushless DC motors. The latest hardware version is v0.2. (The picture
Connect 1 Execute to a Manage
For this experiment we are using asynchronous half-duplex RS-485 between Manage and Execute. It requires a single twisted-pair. We use
Expansion Connectors
Manage 0.1: Execute 0.1: Execute 0.2:
Plan-Manage Cable (when Plan is a BBB)
We need a cable to link a Plan board (BBB) to a Manage board. The BBB is powering the Manage
Preparing the FlexSEA-Execute 0.x board (Hardware)
List of parts: 1x FlexSEA-Execute 0.x assembled PCB 1x aluminum mounting plate 1x thermal pad 5x M2x4 screws AWG16 wire